2024 news
Happy 2024! I start this year off with big, exciting news. I have decided to move from my homeland and experience a new land far from here. Puerto Rico. As I accompany my boyfriend back to his homeland, it will be healing and eye-opening for me to see what it is like for someone to return to the land where they were born, raised, departed, and consciously returned to. He is inspired to find work that elevates and helps decolonize his people, and I will continue this work I love so much.
This decision is not free of grief or challenges but is full of empowerment. I feel empowered in my choice to leave here because I didn’t have a choice the first time. I love this land, and it will always have a space in my heart and soul. However, living here has made me see that Hawai’i has occupied my life from a place of pain and trying to recreate the beginning of my life. I am not present here. I see everything from a point of view of what could have been. My brain has been stuck in “heal from Hawai’i” mode for decades. Living here has helped me see that. I am excited to move on. I am deciding to move on.
“...grief, actually, is the creation of something new...So by all means, we should cry our eyes out and feel all our feelings but not just in a way that keeps us staring at the floor and thinking that loss is not also a birth.” - Lee Harris
As the grief over leaving the new connections I’ve made swirls around me, I know I’m being rinsed and cleansed. Right now, I can’t be here without constantly opening old wounds. I am looking forward to being immersed in everything new. Land, language, culture, sounds, sights, people, experiences. This is not me turning my back on my past, ancestors, or land. This is an evolution of the relationship with them.
My move will be in March. Puerto Rico was never on my radar, but that is what makes it the perfect choice for me. I am going there with a true beginner’s mind. It could be that this is the restart that I was looking for all along.
I will still be offering ancestral healing and energy work from Puerto Rico. Stay tuned for new additions to my offerings in 2024.
Thank you for being with me on my journey. Here’s to growth, healing, love, and new experiences in 2024!