Ancestral Healing or Energetic Insights?

Occasionally, clients have come to me curious about which session type to choose. They are interested in Ancestral Healing, but wondering if they should sign up for an Energetic Insights session instead.

While healing yourself can help heal your ancestors, this is a good (simplified) reference to consider:

Ancestral Healing = you connecting to and healing your lineage

Energetic Insights = receiving healing for yourself

When trying to decide what kind of session is right for you, ask yourself if you are in a space to actively participate in healing your lineage or if you are feeling in contraction, blocked in some way, or if your nervous system is overly taxed.

An analogy I like to use is if you had a cold, you wouldn’t feel like you were in a good place to help other people get over a cold. You would want to tend to yourself first to be healthy enough to then help other people who have colds. Receiving an Energetic Insights healing can help you feel better situated to work with your ancestors to heal your lineage.

An Energetic Insight or Nervous System healing session can be helpful during the Ancestral Healing process as well. Receiving these healings can help integrate the Ancestral Healing work you are doing or help with what might be coming up for you and/or in the Nervous System.

Trust your intuition as to what would be the most supportive. This is your healing journey and it’s unique to you.


Ancestors can show up in surprising ways


Journaling to deepen your healing